andrew baird


Andrew serves as Director of Operations and Chief Executive Officer of North Star Aero Services and its affiliate companies CareJet | AccessCare | Vector AeroMedical Services.   

His passion for aviation started at an early age flying with his uncle in an Aeronca Champ at the age of 3. Soloing a plane at 16 before legally able to drive a car, his flying continued throughout high school and college.  At NC State University Andrew would spend his days in class, his evenings working in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and mornings flying the news traffic reporting aircraft over the Raleigh “Beltline”.   

 Andrew continued both passions, for aviation and emergency medicine, throughout his life.  In 2014 he combined the two together and formed Vector Aeromedical Services, an organization dedicated to bringing safe high quality fixed wing transport to the high acuity medical world mostly using helicopters. That company became the first in the State of North Carolina to hold a non specific hospital based fixed wing specialty care license.  

Flying patients and organs recovery teams continued for Andrew, as well as flying corporate jets for companies including LORD Corporation, Justice Energy and Environmental Air Systems.   He also flew for several high net worth families – running their corporate flight departments.  

Today Mr. Baird leads a team of twenty five plus pilots, paramedics, nurses, maintenance team members and administrative staff all dedicated to keeping the customer focused, safety conscious drive towards excellence.   

In his spare time Mr. Baird enjoys spending time with his family including his six year old son who’s favorite airplane is proudly a vintage warbird.   Andrew regularly donates his time and resources to fly those in need.  This might be a child needing transport to a specialty care facility who is unable to travel by the airlines, a wounded warrior or someone just needing a ‘lift’.

Andrew proudly serves on the NC State University Poole College board of advisors, as well as an active member of the University Development Coalition (UDC).   He is the North Carolina Legislative Appointee to the Office of Emergency Medical Services board.   He is a recent founder of the Carolina Aviation Heritage Foundation.